LFA Books
We and our friends have published several books on Libertarian Party political organization, and historical studies from which lessons might be learned.
Books on Strategy
Stand Up for Liberty A Book of Libertarian Political Strategy Had enough? Are you tired of elections in which our candidates work hard, do all the right things, and are delighted when they break into double digits? Are you tired of elections in which the list of our candidates is much, much longer than the list of victories? Would you like to become the majority party? If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. It's time to do something different. We've been trying to win via Membership Recruitment, and it hasn't worked. It's time to win with a strategy that actually works: Local Organization. Stand Up for Liberty! presents the election-winning, party-building Local Organization strategy. Local Organization has roles for local, state, and Federal groups. Local organization emphasizes running lots of candidates, and supporting them.The New Path Plan is downloadable here for free. The New Path Plan (2010) offers a new strategic direction for our National Libertarian Party.
Libertarian Renaissance proposes a systematic plan for fixing the difficulties that ail the Libertarian Party. The objective is majority party status for Libertarians. For the past decade and a half, up until 2016, the national Libertarian Party has been in decline. Membership and donations have fallen; activism has decreased. In the non-fiction essay Libertarian Renaissance, we present a detailed plan, including timelines, recruiting targets, and organization Changes, to set the Libertarian Party on the path to political majority status.
Books on campaigns
Funding Liberty presents a detailed financial analysis of the 1996 and 2000 Presidential campaigns, and their aftermaths. 1994 — 2002: The Libertarian Presidential campaigns: What really happened? Now you can know the truth! Read Funding Liberty! and go behind the scenes. Campaign spending: The Party faithful gave generously. Was their money spent well? Funding Liberty is a search for answers.Surely We Can Do Better? Every four years, the Libertarian party runs a candidate for President. He will raise millions of dollars, campaign from sea to shining sea, and represent the Libertarian Party to the American people. This book asks a key question. Those millions of dollars: How were they spent? Surely We Can Do Better considers the 2008 campaign of Bob Barr and the 2012 campaign of Gary Johnson. Every four years, the Libertarian party runs a candidate for President. He (though the Libertarian Party's first female Vice Presidential Candidate, Toni Nathan, in 1972 did receive one electoral vote) will raise millions of dollars, campaign from sea to shining sea, put out the Libertarian message, and represent the Libertarian Party to the American people. This book asks a key question. Those millions of dollars: How were they spent? Surely We Can Do Better considers the 2008 campaign of Bob Barr and the 2012 campaign of Gary Johnson.