George Phillies

For President In 2008
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Campaign Objective

The Phillies Campaign will spread the positive, people-friendly Libertarian Message, build a vibrant, growing Libertarian Party across America, and Elect Libertarians! (including us, if the American people are agreeable).  We believe that our best approach is to widely and effectively and confidently publicize the Libertarian message.  Americans need to hear practical Libertarian solutions to the real problems that concern us all.   Our message must be easy to grasp and understand.  Our solutions must be  easy to visualize and obviously workable.

Campaign Organization

A successful political campaign has many parts.  A legitimate Libertarian campaign is more complicated than most, because Libertarians must both Advance their Own Campaign and Build the Libertarian Party.  A simple chess axiom serves well: Every move should have at least two purposes.  You can't predict everything, but you can be sure that my message will be Vote Libertarian! Elect Phillies.

As days advance, I will be saying more about the campaign organization.  There are critical tasks:

External organization:  Every Libertarian should have access to effective, active state and local parties.  We should have vigorous outreach to young people, because a libertarian recruited is a libertarian for a lifetime. Every particular interest should have an affinity group advancing the Libertarian solution to their particular problems.    In 2006, that's 'should have', not 'has'.  My campaign will work across America to make sure that every state, city, and county has an effective Libertarian Party organization dedicated to running candidates who win: A Full Slate in 2008.  And every one a winner. 

Effective organization grows from the bottom up. Phillies 2008 will be there to help you improve your party in your community, but we will be there to help, not to tell you what to do.  For more on building your party, note the Grass Roots Libertarians.

Volunteer incitement and organization, because all campaigns are local.

Fund-raising, because money is the lifeblood of politics.

Internal (Party) outreach, because the campaign is lost without the nomination.

External (popular) outreach, because the day to start building the Libertarian voter base is yesterday.

Back Office Operations: FEC compliance.  Database maintenance. Web page maintenance. 

Volunteers are welcome.  Please contact the campaign.

Fellow candidates are most welcome.  In particular, I will organize a Libertarian Shadow Cabinet, people who can be identified as 'the Libertarian Attorney General' or 'the Libertarian Secretary of State', who can travel, give speeches, and make the local and regional news.

And now a minor aside about spending:  I will run a volunteer-focused, electronically-based campaign for the nomination.  I am looking for volunteers with proven track records who are willing to help build the Libertarian Party and build our campaign.  Some mission-critical tasks, notably accounting and FEC compliance, will have salaried staff support.  Interns giving full time need a stipend to keep body and soul together.  As the campaign grows, the need for management will grow, too.  At some point, a successful campaign needs shipping and receiving space for campaign materials. 

Even well-run charities need a quarter of their income for back office operations and fund raising.  I'm certainly not going to promise to do better than that.  However, you can be sure that your donations to Phillies 2008 c/o Sean Haugh 1821 Hillandale Road #1B-332 Durham NC 27705-2671 will be tightly focused on real campaign activities.

For more on the Libertarian Party, check out the Libertarian Party National Site.

George Phillies


George Phillies







Phillies 2008
c/o 48 Hancock Hill Drive
Worcester MA 01605

George Phillies

508 754 1859

Designed By Jake Porter and George Phillies, 2006
This website paid for by Phillies 2008 and is authorized by the candidate.