George Phillies

For President In 2008
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The Libertarian Message

Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity

A Good Life for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren


We're the Libertarian Party. 

We have the positive, people-friendly path to Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity.


Why Do We Need a Libertarian for President?

America is in real trouble, and most Americans know it.  The great majority of Americans agree: We are on the wrong track.  Things are getting worse, not better. If you don't believe me, look at your paycheck.

  • This year, the budget deficit is over $700 billion, including the very real debts owed to the Social Security Trust Fund.  The trade deficit is over $800 billion a year.  We are selling our grandchildren into de facto debt slavery.

  • American civil liberties are in a state of collapse.  The President believes he can ignore any law, so warrantless wiretaps of your phone conversations and email, and warrantless searches of your homes are now widespread.  The President believes that there is no longer a right to trial by jury, so Jose Padilla was thrown into a military prison for years without trial or access to lawyers.

Read more about why I am running.

My campaign will be doing real video advertising.  Before the final ads are made, we'll be making 'concept videos', good enough to capture the look and feel of the campaign message is not always quite ready for broadcast.  The new concept video on warrantless searches and wiretaps has just been deployed.  See all the concept videos.


  • Immigration Someday, the Libertarian message of peace, liberty, and prosperity reach the entire world, so all people will enjoy the high standard of living we take for granted.  In that day, immigration and open borders will be non-issues.  We have not reached that day yet.  Americans are entitled to the certainty that their country's just laws will be enforced until those laws are changed.   When Americans want open borders, they will tell Congress to vote for open borders.  Until then, a Libertarian President who has sworn to protect and defend the Constitution will protect and defend the laws on border crossings. George Bush has created many enemies for America.  Keeping them from coming here to injure our children and grandchildren must remain a top-priority issue for the foreseeable future. 

  • The War On Iraq The Libertarian message is simple. End the war! Bring our troops all the way home to America, as swiftly as possible consistent with their safety and practical logistical considerations.  Stop meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries. End Federal foreign aid.  Our most effective foreign aid is the money you spend to buy foreign goods.  It goes to productive workers and employers, not kleptocrat dictators. Support Americans giving charity to drought and disaster victims.

  • Civil Liberties The Oath of Office of the President is to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States.  When a President takes office, he should place his hand on one place: the Constitution and the Bill of Rights he is swearing to protect.  When an Advisor tells the President 'The Constitution is not a suicide pact' as a justification for his illegal deeds, he is urging that our government be overthrown.  The President should appoint officials and advisors who love America and our Constitution, not officials and advisors who hate America and our Constitution.

  • Education There is no more important investment in the future than the education of our children and grandchildren When you invest wisely by paying to educate a child, whether your own child or the child of impoverished parents, you should receive a dollar for dollar Federal tax credit for your investment. 

  • A Loyal, Patriotic Civil Service Loyal Americans honor our Constitution and obey the Law of the land.  They do not make warrantless searches of your home.  They do not wiretap your phone calls without court orders.  They do not throw throw Americans into jail and detain them without trial or access to attorneys.  We need a Federal government composed of loyal Americans who love our country. Federal employees who made warrantless searches, performed warrantless wiretaps, and detained citizens without trial should be replaced with patriotic Americans.

Read more about important issues.
Read more about George Phillies.

George Phillies
George Phillies





Phillies 2008
c/o 48 Hancock Hill Drive
Worcester MA 01605

George Phillies

508 754 1859

Breaking News: Phillies 2008 to fund LibertyForAmerica.Org  Details on Press


Designed By Jake Porter and George Phillies, 2006
This website paid for by Phillies 2008 and is authorized by the candidate. 

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