George Phillies

For President In 2008
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To contact the campaign:

        Email: George Phillies

        Telephone 508 754 1859


Phillies 2008 to Fund Libertarian Web Site

April 29, 2006 The Phillies 2008 Campaign has committed to supporting development of a general use Libertarian web site under a name to be announced.  The site will let Libertarians across America interact.  The new site, to become visible before the 2006 National Convention, will feature editorials, contributions from readers, reader comments, recommended contributions, and other features widely seen on political sites of progressive Democrats.  In order to launch the site, Phillies 2008 has committed $1500 for preliminary site development.


The site creator is Seth Cohn.  Site software will be based on the open source DruPal and CivicSpace bases.  The complete project will take further investment to complete.  Contributors to the site, when announced, will receive memorial plaques on the pages they helped to support.


The new pages, whose name will be announced as rollout day approaches, will not be owned by the campaign.   The campaign is buying advertising space.  After the National Convention, the winning campaign will have a similar chance to invest in the new site and reap the site's benefits.  The site will be privately managed, not by the Phillies 2008 campaign or its volunteers.  The site will not function as a PAC, so it will be able to sell corporate advertising and take donations of arbitrary size.


Phillies 2008 Adds Campaign Staff

April 20, 2006.  The Phillies 2008 Campaign announces its first staff appointments. 


Jake Porter of Princeton, Missouri now joins the Web Development and Video Advertising teams. Porter, 18, has been accepted at AIB College of Business in Des Moines, Iowa and will start in the fall for Business administration.

Porter has already redesigned the Phillies 2008 web site and developed a campaign video.


Sean Haugh of Durham NC joins the Phillies 2008 campaign team as official Treasurer.  Haugh served until recently as the Executive Director of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina.  He also serves as Treasurer of Freedom Ballot Access, the Libertarian 527 organization that in 2004 raised over $18,000 for Third-Party Ballot Access.  Haugh stated 'My goal is to ensure complete transparency of Phillies 2008 campaign spending.'  Haugh is one of the Libertarian Party's leading experts on campaign finance regulation.


For more information, contact the candidate

  Email: George Phillies

        Telephone 508 754 1859






George Phillies


George Phillies






Phillies 2008
c/o 48 Hancock Hill Drive
Worcester MA 01605

George Phillies

508 754 1859

Designed By Jake Porter and George Phillies, 2006
This website paid for by Phillies 2008 and is authorized by the candidate.