George Phillies

For President In 2008
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The Libertarian Message


is the message of Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity.

  • Peace The American dream is the promise of peace.  Americans should only fight wars to defend America. The War on Iraq should be ended immediately.  Our military should be brought home to America.  America should never again launch a foreign war based on lies, fabrications, and imaginary foreign threats.

  • Liberty America should be the free country you always thought we had.  Warrantless wiretaps and searches are crimes. Government agents who make warrantless home searches and wiretaps are criminals.  They should all receive fair trials.  Federal officers who scheme against your constitutional rights should be replaced with loyal Americans who love our Constitution.

  • Prosperity For two hundred years, Americans knew they faced a future of perpetual improvement.  Now most Americans think America is on the wrong track.  Americans earned perpetual improvement through hard work, individual initiative, self-betterment, frugality, and thrift.  To return to perpetual improvement, we must return to the means that perpetually improved us.

Peace, Liberty, and Prosperity is my campaign theme.

For more on the Libertarian Party, check out the Libertarian Party National Site.

George Phillies


George Phillies






Phillies 2008
c/o 48 Hancock Hill Drive
Worcester MA 01605

George Phillies

508 754 1859

Designed By Jake Porter and George Phillies, 2006
This website paid for by Phillies 2008 and is authorized by the candidate.